Sunday, June 10, 2018

Chania (and Arnolds arrive)

10 June 2018

Arnolds finally arrived in Chania around 11pm. Thankfully, Annie & Chris met us at the airport and guided us back to the hotel since it's situated in a pedestrian only area. Great place--the Doge Traditional Hotel. Very quaint. 

We grabbed a bite to eat because yes, everyone should chow down on a souvlaki gyro at 1:45am. Delish!

 Getting ready to head out to mass. Trying to look respectable because they seem to do that here.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you already covered a lot of territory... So beautiful !! Happy to hear you are all together safe and sound. Have an amazing vacation. Make tons of wonderful memories and please take lots of photos too share. Sending love and hugs to all ! Xo
