Friday, June 8, 2018

Rethymnon and Kissamos (Crete)

After our almost midnight return from dinner last night, we slept in until 8 and got a leisurely start to the day.  We left Heraklion and headed to Rethymnon a 16th century town about an hour west.  We toured the old fortress, strolled around the old town and marvelled at the awesome scenery. We headed to Kissamos around 1:00.  Turns out our hotel is right on the beach.  After being greeted with glasses of fresh squeezed orange juice we ordered lunch at the waterfront cafe attached to the hotel.  We were able to sit at our table and watch the kids in the water.  Greek salad, calamari and fried aubergine were enjoyed by all.  Well almost all; Abby found the eggplant "disgusting!"  We drove about 20 minutes from the hotel and spent the afternoon at Falassarna Beach.  Absolutely beautiful and almost empty! Annie and Chris could have stayed until sunset but the kids hunger forced an "early" departure (7:30pm!)  Went to a local restaurant and enjoyed another awesome meal.  Lamb chops, pork chops, fried snails, tatziki, baked feta, Greek salad, and local wine.  Followed up by a stroll to get ice cream and crepes.  Dinner is definitely a later affair here.  We left the restaurant at 10:30 and it was full.  Hitting the hay now and looking forward to doing it all over again tomorrow.  Cant wait for the Arnold half of the "Arzak" clan to arrive tomorrow!

One more note. Check out the picture of the GPS and the "road" we were on.  In keeping with tradition, it only took ONE day of vacation to make the extra CDW insurance worthwhile!! Trying to navigate THROUGH an olive grove did not work out so well.  Ran over a huge root and got hung up on a boulder!
Greek Salad at Leonidas
 Watching from the Leonidas Hotel Cafe.

Dirt road that actually ended in a Grove of olive trees.

Momentary sun  behind the clouds at Falasarna Beach
Falasarna Beach - NorthWest coast of Crete
Map of Crete for quick reference.  Falasarna Beach is the dropped Pin.

Forteza in Rethymnon
Forteza in Rethymnon

Forteza in Rethymnon

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